Motor vehicle accidents often result in soft tissue injuries, which may not become apparent until hours or several days after the accident and are much more difficult to diagnose.

Some of the most common soft tissue injuries that doctors see after motor vehicle accidents are:

  • Whiplash — This is a neck injury that is caused when the head is forced forward and back at high speed. It usually involves injuries to the neck muscles, cervical discs, tendons and related nerves. The symptoms of whiplash include neck pain, headaches and limited movement of the neck and head.
  • Sprains — A sprain occurs when a ligament is stretched or torn, and results in pain, bruising and swelling. More serious sprains require the joint to be braced until the injury is healed. Sometimes a sprained ligament is completely torn and requires surgery to be repaired.
  • Muscle strains — A strain is an injury to a muscle and/or tendon. This injury involves pain and swelling as well as muscle weakness and spasms. With very serious strains, the muscle or tendon can completely tear and requires surgery.
  • Contusions — Contusions, also known as bruises, can be sustained in car accidents if any part of a person’s body collides with the interior of the vehicle. These injuries and can be very serious because the amount of force usually involved in collisions.
  • Nerve damage — Nerves can be pinched or compressed due to the force of an accident. The symptoms of nerve injury are many and vary greatly, but some common symptoms of nerve injury after a motor vehicle accident include numbness, tingling, sensations of burning and radiating pain.

Soft tissue injuries can cause not only physical pain, but also serious financial strife. They can take a long time to heal, and those suffering from soft tissue injuries can miss a lot of work due to pain, treatment, doctor’s appointments and rehabilitation. If you’ve been in an accident, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if you don’t feel like you have suffered any serious injuries. Earlier diagnosis and treatment can lead to better outcomes.

The lawyers at Jason & Bradley, LLC are experienced in the analysis, preparation and pursuit of motor vehicle injury claims in Georgia, including those involving soft tissue injuries. To schedule your free initial consultation at our office in Stone Mountain or at your home, call 404-297-9933 or contact us online.