Caroline Tuttle and Ryder Deitz died a few weeks ago in a fatal school bus accident. Both of them were just three years old. The parents of the two children are now suing the schools’ superintendent, the bus driver and several others for negligence. They claim that the school ignored repeated warnings about the driver, Laura Reed. According to the suit, complaints had been filed about Reed’s poor driving record but nothing was done to correct the problem. Unfortunately, these kinds of incidents happen with alarming regularity. According to the National Highway Safety Traffic Safety Administration, school bus accidents occurred 1,245 times between the years 2000 and 2009, resulting in 1,386 deaths. The Georgia Department of Education has an extensive manual, which drivers in the state must follow in order to maintain their ability to continue to work as school bus drivers. However, occasionally bad drivers take on the responsibilities of busing children and despite warning signs, the schools continue to employ them. In the event that your child is injured during a school bus accident, it is vital that you obtain representation by a qualified personal injury attorney who can protect your rights and the rights of your child. Your attorney should check the driving record of the driver as well as whether or not the children were required to wear seat belts while on the bus. Of course, nothing can make up for the injury or death of a child due to the negligence of a school bus driver. However, it is important that such drivers be held accountable and that your school district make every effort to protect your children.